Wednesday, July 15, 2009

so many questions...wonder why?

I recently saw these lesbians on holiday. They seemed so happy and in love but unfortnately for the men around they were both quite ugly (not being cruel just honest), so they were no man's fantasy. Anyways one looked very masculine dressed more as a guy with short hair no jewellery or make-up and the other was a girly girl. She had a skirt and fringe and all of that. I was truly happy for them and the fun that they seemed to have in each others company.
I have always been pretty open to the idea of having a different sexual preference. In fact i remember having a discussion with my family about whether they would accept me as a homosexual and I was pretty young at the time. Wonder if there was any doubt in their heads about me then? Well i'm married now and no have never really thought of being anything but straight. That said while I didn't run upto gay boys asking to be their friend, something I notice many girls and maybe even some guys do just to prove that they are A-OK (as they say in the States) about it, I still have a large share of them since i was 16.
The thing is suddenly while i was chomping down my burger (yes aren't I an elegant feminine sight) Well suddenly I thought. If being gay is normal perhaps even more normal than being straight. It is was something natural that has been happening for millions of years and we do have proof of that. Then why is it that there is a girl/boy equation in the gay couple? The girly guy and the masculine guy —The butch girl (excuse me if i'm being politically incorrect) and the girly girl.
Yes i know that in any relationship there is role play, so how come the role play is mascu-feminine here? I mean in truth all of us men and women have a masculine and a feminine aspect to their personality. And sometimes one or the other is more pronounced as i said before, so then why aren't girly guys attracted to the butch girls? And why aren't masculine gay guys attracted to girly girls? Is it becuase of their bodies? Is the human anatomy the main basis for homosexuality? Being attracted to the same body type as that of yours but with opposite personailty traits?
The reason I ask or even think this is just curiosity. My vision of and feeling for homosexulity have not changed. I am extremely happy that the laws in India are finally changing. I also hope that they get to marry someday and have children even. I know many who would make great parents. Better than many straight couples ever would but whether that's something we are ready for we'll talk about in my next blog...till then...keeping thinking....


  1. I didnt understand homosexuality...i studied abt it, even did a goddam project on it, met NGOs, read up stuff...but havent been able to fully understand the reasons behind being gay. But then what struck me was, are there any reasons behind being straight? or is it ok becuz we are conditioned to believe that being straight is the right way to be? Some say its imp to put a leash to our mind, and not let it wander beyond normal norms, as there is a reason y these norms were put to force. If everyone did as they pleased, it could lead to chaos. I say, its about being convenient. Sure, human mind, when left without a leash, is the extremely dangerous...but in a world of nuclear weapons and wars for land, who my object of affection is, is but a trivial danger!
    Having said tht, owing ot our conditioning, we will (Me included) will take a while to be perfectly ok wit homosexuality...but while most ppl are out lashing at it, there are some who are still trying to be ok!

  2. well...i have started to understand homosexuality in the past few years and while i was initially amused...i began to slowing become indifferent to the subject.
    It made no difference...the person did, not his/her sexual preference...
    So all the talk over changing laws are good for a while but it needs to stop...coz we dont have people crying or applauding to straight marriages. Why should gay people be treated any differently?
    I think it's time everyone appreciate life for what it is regardless of sex, religion , race or sexuality!

  3. hi i do agree...and hope that it will become a non issue..but only if we do something now...only if we keep a stand to make sure that they can't put people behind bars because of their sexual behaviour or just a simple lets applaud what we have achieved...and lets stand firm so that those opposing a law that has already been passed will not beable to overturn it....

  4. Its great that there are like minded intelligent views like yours...I have always been around homosexuals even when I dint know it I already had my "Gay Best Friend" although as i was just 13 I had the biggest crush on him and thought that us being so close meant that he was my boy friend. Eventually at 14 (we are the same age) he realised that I had a crush on him and let me in on a secret "He liked boys not girls" At that age having no pre concieved notions it came to me as very normal,and amazingly so my feelings for him were suddenly brought to light - he was my best friend I could speak to him about anything and everything, there was nothing wrong or weird or abnormal about him. And today even though we are not frequently in touch I thank him for letting me in on his secret and helping me to form an oppinion of the term "Gay" before society could give me theirs.
