Wednesday, July 15, 2009

one world

There's a lot of heal the world going around..but imagine my surprise when i entered ...well an almost nightclub at a resort in Indonesia and the band played it as the second song for the evening.
Vodka tonics, beers, margarita's and Michael apparently. My first thought — Will Michael be thinking "WOW these guys are taking my legacy forward" or will he be thinking..."Hell I'm sure i've come up with a few dance numbers in my time". Either way people were actually singing along. From a young English guy (who i later realised knew the words to every song including I'm a barbie girl and was going wild on the oo-o-oo YAY! part.....) downing beer after beer, to two midle aged Chinese men looking mighty pleased.
Looking around I realised it was probably a perfect setting..except for the black decor, racy red bar, alcohol and smoke...Indonesia is one of those places you can smoke everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE...untouched by the worlds new anti-smoking laws.
There was probably every nationality there...(a slight exaggeration )...but there were Indian (ME and many others ofcourse.).....Europeans .... Middle Eastern people..Aussies...Asians of all kinds...African in that sense it was strangely fitting.
Still while we can all enjoy a resort style holiday we still seem to be at war...and that's one thing i just cannot understand....if we have sooo much sense have all they great words on world peace...enjoy eating drinking listening to music...the sun and the beach ...then why are we just so damn nonsensical...what are we fighting for? I have never understood it...and really why are we proud of our soldiers who lost their lives...Hello? Do you even know the reasons for all the wars? Distorted and half learnt from history books is it worth pain families go through? For what land? To prove some point that will soon be so silly it wouldn't make a difference at all in a few years?...The death of a soldier is as pointless and sad as the death of a victim from Drunk driving...and the people responsible get gloriously famous....


  1. i like the last line! its very true, we seldom find any emotions of hostility towards other races and nationalities, even the ones figtihng at the borders, in a normal, layman. Yet wars are waged and the same normal layman gets affected. And the most ironic bit is, we are heading towards global citizenship, and are still fighting for land!

  2. Wow you say it so well and so clearly...thanks :)
