Tuesday, July 7, 2009

much ado about....

So the 20's is a fun time...the beginning anyways...21 marks that you are now a certified adult..weird coz you waited to reach 18 for the very same thing but now the percentage of alcohol you can buy per bottle has increased worldwide (woohoo)...time to throw away those fake ID's you have the real thing...then you reach 25 almost depressed you're growing up — as if?
Somehow the next couple of years breeze by but i have to ask what's 27? 28? 29? all about...i mean really...you've made friends..you know the ones that will last from the passerbys...you know you'll find new ones as well..you've dabbled in a few jobs and know vaguely what you like and dislike now...some of us are married some of us are angling towards it...and there's a big fat waiting period.....weirdly enough it seems that the action is now going to take place post 30!
So here i am still in my 28th year and i feel weirdly comforted that my next birthday is going to be a nothing event...oh yea i want the presents and the cake and things, that's a given — its too bad we were spoilt as kids...
But in a way i blame "Sex and the City". I mean Carrie and the bunch have now made 40 the age to be...so i'm just hoping we don't get to 30 just waiting to hit the big 4-0! Yes ok i admit i loved Sex and the City....and even though the movie was a tad bit depressing ...well come on it was good to see everyone...but it was a bit of a let down .... and i do hope there's a part two but you have to agree... the story definietly had a few holes in it...
And then there's Oprah and growing older just seems better and better ...i mean if nothing else...have you seen how much better she looks now..thinner... fatter..who cares? she looks absolutely radiant... i'm a bit of fan i must admit..again not a 'oh my GAWD i love her' kind of fan, although i won't pass up the chance on being on the Oprah show..I mean you know if they called...I would fly to Chicago in a second....But seriously i guess i'm more like a....ummm she's just always been a part of my life kind of fan..either way...she is pretty cool...
The other day she had the Olsen twins on ..now age 22 and they talked about the book they came up with people who had influenced them...quite a clever book....and thats when i wondered which iconic figures have i really been influenced by?
It's not like i have any noble answers here..(and for all those touchy Indians I am very aware and Proud of all our many overachievers and always will be..).but basically i realised that even though i am Indian it's most common for me to talk about Hollywood and American shows as my own..and that's when i came to the conclusion that this is the reason the US rules the world...not the war and the super power nation bit but the fact that their popular culture whether its movies or tv shows or books absolutley rock! Do they have people from all over the world helping them to produce it? Sure....but at the end the American lifestlye is what we all grow up watching and reading and wanting...
Don't get me wrong i'm as Indian as can be...and I love my country and I admit I love and am extremely proud of Bollywood and Indian televion well except for the depressing shows and some of the reality TV....which is pretty crap over all...but we still haven't made it just normal to be a part of everyone's lives worldwide like Oprah has...or as Michael Jackson has....I mean i was watching his top 40 the other day...and it's shocking how many songs i knew the words to..not just bits here and there but the complete songs...and how much i loved them...
Then i switched channels to the news and this woman made a comment on how nice it was to see so much international media coverage for him and i was like....Really? I mean what do you expect..everyone from every country across the world loved him and his music...and if love is too strong a word...then they knew it...they definitely were influenced by it...
And there's been all this talk about black and white and his big 'change' to which I say so Pamela Anderson and everyone else gets a boob job , he just got a body job...he didn't like his and he had the money to change it...i kind of liked it..and I'll tell you why ...because for me it was him. I grew up during the transition phase...so how he looked before is less like him than the after in my view...and you know everyone knows him as an African American or whatever the political term is...black...Hell i'm not scared i'm BROWN apparently... it's just a colour!!! Either way Michael was every colour or everyone...We could all relate to him and not like a rap dancer where the guys wear their pants really low and wear awful jewellery...and talk with a lot of 'yo' in every sentence..the thing with Michael Jackson is you just stayed whoever you were walked and talked the same....all you did was basically try to dance different..or wear a shiny white glove....
i mean with Oprah/ Obama or even Bill Cosby...and I love them all..there's a message...Michael however didnt have a message, not one he had to actually talk about ..there was no fight or point to prove because he just was ....in a way it makes sense that his skin changed colour, what better message to show just how superficial the colour of our skin really is. Michael was proof that it's only a surface that can be easily scratched away...


  1. I like!!! and I agree with u abt Michael...so true!

  2. I so agree...and now that he is gone what is the use of questioning anything any more...I really want to ask all those who pass judgement-close their eyes forget everything put on your I Pod and listen to Micheal's songs, now tell that it dint move you...now talk about his nose his eyes his skin...He was a musician and he got that right..No one is pefect...How many of us know waht we are and hell how many of us get that right...;-)
